
Friday, March 27, 2009

A few tips from Dr Fatma Al Zahra...just to share...

From Dr. Fatma's tafsir Al-Quran class

How to use the Surah Al Fatihah

1. To make someone (YOUR Husband, your children) think of you all the time :
* Read the Al-Fatihah 14 times before going to sleep.

2. For terminal diseases:
* Read the Al-Fatihah 41 times and blow it in the water.
Drink and take a bath with that water.

3. For the mentally ill:
* Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the person's head once in the morning
and once at night, everyday without fail.

4. When in extreme pain:
* Read the Al-Fatihah 3 times and blow it in a glass of water and drink it.
Then, read the Al-Fatihah while rubbing the area that is in pain.

5. For babies who cry at night or at any time:
* Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the baby's head.

6. For injury : ex: Cut, Bee sting, Bleeding, Finger got slammed by the door)
* Read the Al-Fatihah 3 or 7 times, using your thumb, take your saliva from the
"langit-langit" of your mouth and rub it onto the injured area.

All of the above INSYAALLAH will work with several conditions:

* Believe that the Al-Fatihah is the best "penawar" for everything
* Read it with full "khusyuk"
* Tawakal to Allah
* Use it with GOOD "niat" /intentions.

Untuk yg berhajat:

(percepatkan jodoh, memanjangkan jodoh,dikurniakan cahaya mata, sembuhkan
penyakit, elakkan dari malapetaka,diampunkan dosa dan sebagai nye):

* Dilakukan pada hari Jumaat selepas sembahyang Asar sehinggalah
masuknye waktu Maghrib.
* duduk menghadap kiblat
* lakukannye dgn khusyuk dan yakin yg Allah akan membantu kita
* Baca lah Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Allah berulang-ulang;
sepanjang-panjang kita duduk selepas sembahyang asar
sehinggalah masuknye waktu maghrib.
* Masuk sahaja waktu Maghrib, di kala the first "Allahuakbar"
dilaungkan, terus lah angkat tangan dan berdoa kepada Allah yg
MAHA berkuasa dgn apa yg dihajati.
* Buat sebanyak 3 Jumaat berturut turut.

Mintak lah yg baik baik. Niat biar baik.
InsyaAllah akan dimakbulkan oleh Allah.

Notes taken fm Ust! Fatma's last lecture session taken
by her closest friend, Ani:-

Untuk awet muda both internal & external.

1.Zikir - Baca
" Ya Badiyah " 1 x
" Ya Nur " 1 x
&n! bsp; " Ya Hadi " 1 x
" Ya Allah " 3 x

Baca dan tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu ke raup
muka kita pada tiap hari.

2.Baca ayat Al Waqiah , ayat ke 35,36,37 dan 38,
pada tiap selepas sembahyang subuh ke air dan minum.
(air rawatan dalaman to look young and feel young inside)

3.Baca Al Waqiah tiap tiap hari sebelum tidur kita akan kaya
dengan ketenangan jiwa.

4.Baca Al Waqiah Ayat 19 untuk yang selalu sakit kepala.
Moga-moga boleh menghilang/meredakan.

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